Friday Night Confessionals.....getting green fingers......

And selling posters of my peony love series 💕❤️💕


Amongst my many endeavours over here I am attempting to grow chillis, courgettes and tomatoes this year along with some squash I hope to plant shortly. In the non edible section of the garden things are starting to take shape, the peonies old and new are emerging and the many I planted last year are making progress (keeping fingers xd it continues even despite the current nightly frosts!)

My pansie display looks like an homage to the suffragette movement, all greens, whites and purples and I’m totally ok with that!!


It’s also been an exciting week as three posters went out the door to their new home in Whitstable!!


They are part of the ‘Peony Love’ series captured and created last year during lockdown and I’m beyond thrilled their new owner is in love and delighted with their arrival. These images shown above were full frame printed on 16x20 inch paper! So a big gorgeous luscious impact on a wall and this trio sit so well together I’m excited to see them in situ when they’re room redecoration is finished :-)

so happy weekend everyone! Have a great one and enjoy the sunshine xx